Anxiety: 10 Interesting Facts You Might Not Know - Hey Sigmund

Anxiety: 10 Interesting Facts You Might Not Know - Hey Sigmund

Karen Young, of the wonderful Hey, Sigmund, offers some interesting information about anxiety: Where it can come from, how diet affects it, additional skills that those with anxiety can rock.

Here's an example: "People with anxiety are quicker to pick up on changes in facial expressions than those without anxiety BUT they are less accurate. The tendency to jump to conclusions means that highly anxious people will often make mistakes when trying to infer other people’s emotional states and intentions. Understandably, this has a way of creating tension and conflict in relationships."

This one is really worth a read if someone in your life is struggling with anxiety. Check it out here.

Do Boys Need Rough and Tumble Play? - Psychology Today

Do Boys Need Rough and Tumble Play? - Psychology Today

Connection-Based Discipline - Creative Child

Connection-Based Discipline - Creative Child